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For The Wild At Heart


A prayer for the wild at heart, kept in cages. Tennessee Williams

What does it mean be be wild and free in our day to day lives? When we have responsibilities as mothers, sisters, business owners, job holders and friends. When these responsibilities sometimes feel like a cage. And Instagram photos of far flung destinations seem so far from our everyday reality. Desert dunes, fires on beaches and waterfall hikes. And what is free after all? Is freedom only about escape? Is wild about dancing around a fire?

Maybe there is more to being wild and free…

 It is about being free to be who you really are, unapologetically and courageously you. To know that you are always worthy of love, respect and forgiveness. Even when you stumble and make mistakes, especially when you stumble.

To be able to trust yourself and express yourself. To stand in your power and to speak from your power chakra in the solar plexus.

To be emotionally healthy, and to cultivate emotional health and self-awareness. It can take a lot of work to be emotionally healthy in our society when there seems to be a model standard that everyone aspires. It is difficult to be emotionally healthy if there is a lot of self-criticism related to body image. Use affirmations and say them out loud a few times to embody the essence of who you really are in this very moment. Take it in!

 Breathe the freedom of being you

To know what you truly want and to be able to ask for it and know that you have the right to want this experience.  It is learning to say ‘I need to do this”. Often the symbols that we pursue in our lives such as money, career or relationships are just literally symbols of what we are actually wanting to experience.  We are often too self-conscious to ask or do what we truly want.

Learning to take care of yourself. Self-care is not a reward it is part of the process, part of our journey. Both emotional and physical self-care are important. Emotional self-care can be a moment to moment exercise throughout our day. It’s about stopping and acknowledging our feelings and not becoming overcome by them. Journaling either in the morning or in the evening can help to deal with emotions.

 To know how to hold good boundaries. Part of learning to set boundaries is learning to identify and acknowledge our feeling and giving ourselves the right to have these feelings. Too often we carry childhood memories of being told we were too much or too little of something which can lead to shutting of real emotional awareness.

 To let go of the past is about forgiveness of ourselves and of the other so that we can stop being the victim and blaming. Focus on the present, on the here and now.

To be wild and free means to live from a place of your inherent worth and value. It means owning your imperfections as much as your strengths as worthy and valuable parts of yourself. Fantasies of escape and running away will not bring true authentic freedom.

Being wild and free is the birthright of all women. When we are led by our intuition, we will always be on the right path to freedom. Being wild and free is unharnessed positive energy that is full of love for yourself and for others

Freedom can be found in the joy of everyday simplicity. Wildness can be found by saying YES to life.



Photo by Philipp Lublasser on Over









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